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¿Cuáles son los países más ricos y más pobres del mundo?

Where do people take home the highest salaries each month? And where is poverty rife? Based on data from Global Finance magazine, here are the top 30 richest countries and the bottom 20 poorest.      ¿En qué países los habitantes ganan más al mes? ¿Y en cuáles domina la pobreza? Basándonos en la información de "Global Finance magazine" hemos creado la lista definitiva de los países más ricos y los más pobres del mundo.  Average annual income per person: US$36,342New Zealand has been hailed as one of the few countries to escape the global financial crisis relatively unscathed. The nation’s interest rates have been at an all-time low for almost half a decade. 


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $36,342 dólares Average annual income per person: $37,413In recent years the nation has had great success in reducing poverty while improving its economy, fueled by a 20% growth in exports and a 30% rise in investments.    


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $37,413 dólare    Average annual income per person: $38,797The world’s third largest economy, which has been teetering on the edge of recession, has recently seen a jump in retail sales, offering the country a much-needed boost. 


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $38,797 dólares Average annual income per person: $39, 224The UK’s economy grew faster than initially predicted in the opening months of 2015. However, it still suffered a marked slowdown compared to the end of 2014. Despite this, Price Waterhouse Coopers predicts inflation will remain low and unemployment will continue to fall.  


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $39, 224 dólares  Average annual income per person: $41,393Finland has been revealed as the European Union’s weakest economy due to a decline in paper demand, the country’s biggest export, and the lagging economy of Russia, its neighbor and big trade partner. Despite this, Finland still fares better than many on this list.  


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $41,393 dólares    Average annual income per person: $41,396With reduced household spending and a decline in business investments, the French economy has been pushed outside the top 20.  


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $41,396 dólares  Average annual income per person: $42,923For the second year in a row, Belgium’s economy has experienced a healthy growth due to a revival in domestic demand and increased exports.  


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $42,923 dólares  Average annual income per person: $44,575Five years after an out-of-control banking system found the country in financial meltdown, Iceland’s economy is once again on the rise. The country’s economy is largely export-driven, with fishing, energy and aluminum its most stable industries.   


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $44,575 dólares Average annual income per person: $44,903Located on the Arabian Peninsula, Oman’s economy is largely dependent on oil. It also benefits from a free trade agreement with the US.  


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $44,903 dólares  Average annual income per person: $45,800Denmark has a healthy economy stemming from a high-tech agricultural sector, maritime shipping and foreign trade.  


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $45,800 dólares    Average annual income per person: $45,981Canada’s economy took a sharp turn skyward in the second half of 2015, posting consecutive months of growth due to strengthening exports and increased consumer spending.  


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $45,981 dólares          Average annual income per person: $45,996Exports led by electronics, machinery and petrochemicals have provided the primary stimulus for economic development in Taiwan. However, this heavy dependence on sending goods elsewhere exposes the economy to fluctuations in world demand, and it’s currently experiencing one of those periods. 


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $45,996 dólares           Average annual income per person: $46,165Despite the recent Volkswagen scandal and a massive influx of refugees, experts say the German economy remains very robust thanks to a boost in exports. 


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $46,165 dólares        Average annual income per person: $46,386A weak Swedish currency has made it easier for the country to export to other countries. Sweden has recently begun expanding its markets in Asia and is targeting North America in an effort to increase trade revenue.  


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $46,386 dólares Average annual income per person: $46,906Despite experts describing Austria’s economy at the start of the year as “sluggish”, new government policies and lower taxes are expected to bolster spending and give the economy a boost.  


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $46,906 dólares Average annual income per person: $48,288While the mining boom glory days are well and truly over and the jobless rate is up 6%, a new government means the economy looks set remain stable.  


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $48,288 dólares Average annual income per person: $46,906According to the Central Statistics Office, Ireland’s economy grew by more than 6% in the first three months of the year compared with the same period in 2014, due to the weak euro stimulating exports. 


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $46,906 dólares Average annual income per person: $48,797Thanks to a sizable trade surplus, strong government, moderate unemployment rate and stable industrial relations, the Netherlands ranks just outside the top 10 economies.  


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $48,797 dólares  Average annual income per person: $52,830Bahrain was one of the first states in the Persian Gulf to discover oil and build a refinery, boosting the country’s economy. These days the nation relies more on its banking and financial sectors.  


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $52,830 dólares Average annual income per person: $56,253This oil-based economy is the largest exporter of petroleum. Despite this, experts have predicted that tourism is likely to be become a cornerstone of Saudi Arabia’s future economy thanks to a growing influx of visitors. 


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $56,253 dólares Average annual income per person: $56,815Despite an economic readjustment due to the Swiss Central Bank’s decision to let the Swiss Franc appreciate against the Euro, the country remains economically robust.  


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $56,815 dólares  Average annual income per person: $57,045The US has seen strong growth this year with consumer spending boosted by lower fuel prices.  


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $57,045 dólare Average annual income per person: $57,676Known as the gateway to China’s booming economy, Hong Kong’s strong rules, regulations and first class financial services secure the country’s place within the top 10. 


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $57,676 dólares Average annual income per person: $67,201The UAE government has worked hard to improve the country’s ability to attract foreign investment, particularly within the technology sectors.  


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $67,201 dólares Average annual income per person: $67,619In the last two decades, Norway’s oil sector has boosted its people’s standard of living. Despite the recent fall in oil prices, with an independent monetary policy and strong macroeconomic framework, Norway remains financially sound.  


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $67,619 dólares  Average annual income per person: $71,600Receding oil prices are a threat to Kuwait’s economy but thanks to the government’s five-year development plan, which will focus on pushing growth in the non-oil sectors, the country maintains a high average income.  


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $71,600 dólares  Average annual income per person: $80,335Oil and gas resources make this tiny nation one of the world’s richest. Recent declines in energy prices rattled the economy, but the government plans to diversify the economy and launch a new stock exchange by 2017. 


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $80,335 dólares Average annual income per person: $84,821Despite high household debt and a fragile global economy, Singapore’s solid economic framework and large current account surplus continue to sustain the economy. 


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $84,821 dólares Average annual income per person: $94,167Due to a strong financial services sector, Luxembourg is home to a wealthy and stable population, low public debt, and robust institutions. 


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $94,167 dólares Average annual income per person: $146,011Thanks to its solid and rapidly-growing economy, Qatar takes the top spot as 2015’s richest country. And it’s likely to stay there with an infrastructure push for the 2022 soccer World Cup further lifting its strong economy. Now here are the poorest countries.  


Promedio del ingreso anual por persona: $146,011 dólares


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ECUADOR: Mujer acusada de quemar a su hijo DE 10 AÑOS

Elkin A. E., de 10 años, permanece asilado en la unidad de Quemados del hospital de niños Roberto Gilbert Elizalde, a donde fue ingresado de urgencia por las quemaduras de segundo y tercer grado que presentaba en los dos pies. El niño, según la Policía, fue ubicado en primera instancia en la Maternidad del Guasmo, en el sur de Guayaquil, a donde lo había llevado Ana Flores Real, luego de encontrarlo afuera de su casa, en horas de la madrugada, hace ocho días. Ayer, Flores contó que aquel día salió de su casa, ubicada en la cooperativa Proletarios con Tierra, para buscar a su hija que había salido a una fiesta y se encontró con Elkin, sentado al pie de su casa de caña, en el sector Proletarios sin Tierra, quejándose por las heridas. Enseguida, relató Flores, sintió compasión y se ofreció con otros vecinos a llevarlo a la Maternidad del Guasmo para que le curen las lesiones. En el trayecto, según la  mujer , el niño le manifestó que las quemaduras habían sido provocadas supuestamente

El caso de la niña transgénero que se hizo viral

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. Tratamientos caseros naturales para cabello reseco y deteriorado. Ya sea largo o corto, ondulado o liso: todo el mundo desea tener un cabello radiante y saludable. Des afortunadamente, sólo unas cuantas mujeres tienen la suerte de tener un cabello así. La polución, los malos hábitos alimenticios y el uso de químicos sobre el cabello hacen que éste se vuelva reseco y débil. Uno de los síntomas más claros de que el cabello no se encuentra en buenas condiciones es la caída constante y en cantidades notables, pesadilla para la cual existen muchos productos de cuidado capilar. A continuación encontrará una lista de recetas para preparar tratamientos capilares eficaces en el hogar. Recetas caseras para cabello reseco Receta 1 Ingredientes 1 yema de huevo 1 taza de leche ½ cucharada de agua de rosas Bata el huevo en un tazón y luego agregue la leche, batiendo de nuevo. Agregue luego el agua de rosas y revuelva. Aplique generosamente sobre el cabello, concentrándose en las punta